

  • Airflow: 1850-95800m3/h
  • Pressure: 1450-182000Pa
  • Application scope: Air conditioning, environmental protection, refrigeration, heating, and drying in both industrial and residential buildings; And transportation, mining, metallurgy, energy, ......
  • introduction
  • Technical parameters
  • Goods Delivery
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Blowers(centrifugal fans) are commonly used as the primary source of power for dust collectors, playing a crucial role in dust collection systems. If the fan for a dust collector is not correctly matched, it can result in suboptimal dust collection performance. Therefore, it's essential to select the right fan for a dust collector to avoid inefficient dust collection.
The typical fan type used in pulse-jet dust collectors is the centrifugal fan. Centrifugal fans are known for their extended start-up times and higher initial current (approximately 6-8 times the rated current). This results in significant mechanical stress on the motor and the fan of the dust collector, which can shorten their operational lifespan.
By using variable frequency drive (VFD) fans, you can achieve soft starting and stopping, which minimizes the mechanical stress on the dust collector's motor. This significantly extends the operational lifespan of the equipment. Adding a VFD to the dust collector fan allows for smooth and stable airflow adjustments. Operators can easily control the fan's parameters, leading to improved efficiency.
Fans with VFD capabilities can maintain stable operation within a high-precision range of 0.1 to 0.01 Hz. With VFDs, dust collector fans can often operate at speeds 150 RPM lower than the original fixed speed, reducing wear and tear on the fan's impeller. This reduction in wear and vibration effectively extends the maintenance interval of the dust collector fan, saving on maintenance costs and downtime.


Greater Airflow and Pressure: Centrifugal fans utilize the centrifugal force principle, allowing them to generate larger airflow and pressure, making them effective for ventilation and exhaust applications.

Simple Structure: Compared to other ventilation equipment, centrifugal fans have a straightforward and easy-to-maintain design.

Various Models: Centrifugal fans come in various models to meet different needs, including single inlet centrifugal fans, double inlet centrifugal fans, forward-curved blade centrifugal fans, backward-curved blade centrifugal fans, radial blade centrifugal fans, centrifugal exhaust fans, and more.


A blower(centrifugal fan) primarily consists of components such as a motor, volute casing, impeller, inlet and outlet ports, duct connections, centrifugal fan oil plug, and an inlet plenum. The motor is powered by an electrical source and drives the rotation of the impeller. The impeller is the central component of the centrifugal fan, and factors like its speed, outer diameter, and blade angles affect the airflow rate and air pressure generated by the fan. Additionally, the material of the impeller significantly influences the fan's durability and reliability.
The volute casing serves the purpose of converting the kinetic energy of the rotating impeller into static pressure, thereby increasing air pressure. The inlet and outlet ports are used to introduce and exhaust air, while the duct connections facilitate air transportation. The centrifugal fan oil plug is utilized for lubricating the fan's bearings to reduce wear and improve its longevity. The inlet plenum is used to enhance inlet kinetic energy and eliminate variations in air velocity.
The working principle of a centrifugal fan involves the motor driving the high-speed rotation of the impeller, which results in the generation of kinetic energy and pressure in the incoming air. As a consequence, the outgoing air experiences air pressure and airflow. During the fan's rotation, the fluid is subjected to centrifugal forces, causing a change in its state. Since the pressure at the inlet is lower than at the outlet, the fluid is drawn into the fan from the inlet, flows in the axial direction along the impeller's centerline, is propelled outward by the centrifugal force, and, in the process, experiences an increase in air pressure. Finally, the air is discharged through the outlet, achieving purposes like ventilation, smoke extraction, and air exchange.

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Model Rotation speed Airflow Pressure Motor Model Rotation speed Airflow Pressure Motor
r/min m3/h Pa Model Power(kw) r/min m3/h Pa Model Power(kw)
C6-31-6D 1450 1850 1450 Y100L1-4 2.2 C6-31-10D 960 5670 1918 Y160L-6 7.5
2310 1544 7080 1880
2790 1492 8540 1816
3200 1418 Y1010L2-4 3 9930 1721
3700 1295 11400 1578 Y180L-6 11
4180 1142 12800 1391
4390 1053 13500 1283
C6-31-7D 1450 2940 2144 Y112M-4 4 730 4310 1109 Y180L-4 3
3670 2102 5380 1087
4430 2031 6490 1050
5080 1930 7550 995 Y200L-4 4
5880 1763 Y132M-4 7.5 8670 812
6640 1559 9730 804
6970 1433 10300 742
C6-31-8D 1450 4390 2800 C6-31-11D 960 7540 2321 Y160M-6 11
5480 2744 9400 2274
6610 2652 11400 2198
7700 2521 Y160-4 11 13200 2083
8800 2303 15200 1909 Y160L-6 15
9900 2031 17000 1684
10400 1872 18000 1552
960 2910 1227 Y132S-6 3 730 5730 1342 Y160M2-8 5.5
3630 1202 7150 1315
4380 1162 8670 1271
5098 1105 10000 1204 Y160L-8 7.5
5830 1009 Y132M1-6 4 11600 1104
6550 890 12900 974
6890 820 13700 897
C6-31-9D 1450 6240 3544 Y160-4 15 C6-31-12D 960 9800 2762 Y200L1-6 18.5
7800 3433 12200 2707
9410 3356 14800 2616
11000 3181 Y180M-4 18.5 17100 2479 Y200L2-6 22
12500 2915 19700 2272
14100 2571 22100 2004
14900 2370 23400 1847
960 4130 1533 Y132M1-6 4 730 7540 1597 Y160L-8 7.5
5160 1505 9280 1565
6230 1471 11300 1513
7280 1394 Y160M-6 7.5 13000 1433
8280 1278 15000 1314 Y180L-8 11
9340 1127 16800 1159
9860 1038 17800 1068
C6-31-10D 1450 8560 4376 Y132M-8 22            
10700 4288            
12900 4144            
15000 3927            
17200 3599 Y160M1-8 30            
19300 3174            
20400 2926            

Model Rotation speed Airflow Pressure Motor Model Rotation speed Airflow Pressure Motor
r/min m3/h Pa Model Power(kw)   r/min m3/h Pa Model Power(kw)
C6-51-7D 1450 7360 2088 Y160M-4 11 C6-51-14D 960 39000 3661 Y315M1-6 90
9130 2042 48300 3577
11000 1943 58200 3406
12800 1829 67500 3207
14500 1707 Y160L-4 15 76800 2993 Y315M2-6 110
16400 1569 98600 2750
18100 1416 95800 2481
C6-51-8D 1450 11000 2727 Y180L-4 22 730 29700 2117 Y280S-8 37
13600 2666 36700 2068
16400 2538 44300 1969
19000 2389 51300 1854 Y280M-8 45
21600 2230 Y200L-4 30 58400 1731
24400 2048 65700 1590
27000 1849 72800 1435
960 7300 1195 Y160M-6 7.5 580 23600 1336 Y315S-10 45
9000 1169 29200 1305
10900 1112 35200 1243
12600 1047 40800 1170
14300 977 46400 1093
16200 898 52200 1004
17900 810 57800 906
C6-51-9D 1450 15600 3452 Y255S-4 37 C6-51-15D 960 47900 4203 Y315M3-6 132
19400 3374 59400 4106
23300 3212 71500 3910
27100 3023 Y255M-4 45 82800 3682
38000 2821 94700 3436 JS126-6 155
34700 2592 107000 3157
38400 2340 118000 2848
960 10300 1513 Y160L-6 11 730 2430 36400 Y315-8 55
12800 1479 2374 45200
15400 1408 2261 54400
17900 1325 2129 63000
20400 1237 Y180L-6 15 1987 72000 Y315M1-8 75
23000 1136 1825 81400
25400 1026 1647 89700
C6-51-10D 1450 21500 4261 Y250M-4 55 580 1534 28900 Y315S-10 45
26600 4165 1499 35900
32000 3966 1427 43200
37100 3732 1344 50000
42200 3483 Y280S-4 75 1254 57200
47600 3200 1152 64700
52700 2889 1040 71300
960 14200 1868 Y200L1-6 18.5 C6-51-16D 730 2765 44000 Y315M1-8 75
17600 1825 2700 54900
21200 1738 2572 65900
24600 1636 Y200L2-6 22 2422 76600 Y315M2-8 90
28000 1527 2260 87200
31500 1403 2076 98300
34900 1266 1874 100000
730 10800 1080 Y160L-8 7.5 580 1745 35000 Y315S-10 45
13400 1055 1704 43600
16100 1005 1624 52400
18700 946 1529 60900
21300 883 Y180L-8 11 1427 69300
24000 811 1311 78100
26500 732 1183 86700
C6-51-11D 960 18900 2260 Y225M-6 30 C6-51-17D 730 3121 52900 Y1335M2-8 90
23400 2208 3048 65800
28200 2103 2904 79200
32700 1980 2734 91900 Y1335M3-8 110
37300 1848 Y250M-6 37 2574 105000
41900 1689 2365 118000
46500 1532 2134 131000
730 14400 1307 Y180L-8 11 580 1970 42000 Y315S-10 45
17800 1277 1924 52300
21400 1216 1833 62900
24900 1145 Y200L-8 15 1726 73000 Y315M3-10 75
28400 1069 1611 83100
31900 982 1480 93700
35400 886 1347 104000
C6-51-12D 960 24500 2690 Y280S-6 45 C6-51-18D 730 3500 63000 JS127-8 130
30400 2628 3419 78100
36600 2503 3256 94100
42500 2350 3066 109000
48400 2199 Y280M-6 55 2861 122000 JS136-8 180
54400 2020 2629 140000
60300 1823 2371 155000
730 18600 1555 Y225S-8 18.5 580 2209 50000 Y315M3-10 75
23100 1520 2158 62100
27800 1447 2055 74800
32300 1362 1935 86600
36800 1272 Y225M-8 22 1806 96900 JS125-10 80
41400 1168 1660 111000
45900 1054 1497 123000
C6-51-13D 960 31100 3157 Y280M-6 55 C6-51-19D 730 3900 74100 JS136-8 180
38700 3084 3809 91900
46500 2938 3628 111000
54000 2765 Y315S-6 75 3416 128000
61500 2581 3188 143000 Y400-8 200
69200 2371 2929 165000
76700 2140 2648 182000
730 23600 1825 Y250M-8 30 580 2462 58900 JS125-10 80
29400 1783 2404 73000
35400 1699 2290 88200
41100 1599 2156 101000
46800 1493 Y280S-8 37 2012 113000 JS127-10 115
52600 1317 1849 131000
58300 1238 1668 145000
580 18800 1152 Y315S-10 45 C6-51-20D 730 4321 86400 Y400M1-8 220
23400 1126 4221 107000
28100 1073 4020 129000
32700 1009 3785 150000 Y400M2-8 250
37200 942 3532 167000
41800 865 3246 192000 Y400M3-8 280
46300 782 2927 213000
            580 2728 68600 JS127-10 115
    2665 85000
    2538 102000
    2389 119000 JS137-10 155
        2230 133000
    2049 153000
    1848 169000

Note: Our products are being updated constantly, all rights reserved by EVERED.

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